28 July 2022
How to Register a Project
A walkthrough of how to register your project with BCO-DMO using submit.bco-dmo.org
Last month, we officially launched our new online Submission Tool , which can be used to submit datasets and register projects with BCO-DMO. We encourage you to try the tool on your next BCO-DMO submission! If you’re curious how it works, this short video walks you through the steps involved in Project Registration. Check it out below or on our YouTube Channel .
To register your project, you’ll want to be sure to have the following information at hand: funding award numbers; official project name/title; all PI and Co-PI names, contact information, and ORCiD numbers; and a copy of your Data Management Plan in PDF format.
We plan to release more how-to videos like this in the coming weeks, so follow us on Twitter and subscribe to the OCB Newsletter for the latest news from BCO-DMO!
Last modified: 2022-07-28 11:53:00